Could we simplify “Too Much Information”?

If you’ve been on social media in recent months, you may have noticed this short film, Too Much Information. Too Much Information” was created to help 56 million people gain a deeper understanding of autism and the complications it poses to those who have the condition. Sometimes, autistic people become overloaded by their surroundings, which can no doubt make the world feel like a very daunting place from time to time.

Based on real experiences with autistic people, The Nation Autistic Society created the film to create an essence of how overwhelming an everyday setting like a shopping centre can be to an autistic person experiencing too much information.

This got us thinking… After watching the clip, we started to consider whether any of our expansive range or services could benefit those who are autistic, whether there was any applications of our projects that could make an intimidating environment more approachable, less overwhelming.

After some consideration, we felt that our 360° Photography & Panotours could be applied to similar purposes, potentially making large public communal places a less intimidating environment. With the use of 360° Photography we can create a virtual walk through of a shopping centre, detailing each shop, the distance from the entrance to an exit, where the toilets are, even where most footfall tends to occur.

This could offer autistic people the insight of an environment that they may have previously been too scared to encounter, giving them the opportunity to acclimatise to an intimidating scenario before having actually entered it in person, ensuring that they have a feeling of knowing where they are, even if they haven’t physically been in that specific building before.