21 Dec
The Future Of Formby Surveys
2018 has been such an exciting year for the Formby Surveys office. We have worked hard and reached a lot of our goals and this has only made our hearts grow fonder for 2019. Last year we didn’t get around to sharing our goals because we were so busy but this year, we have set aside a little time to fill you in on our aspiring goals for the following year. For us in the office we know we want to expand our team, we have such incredible resources and projects we want to share our success with more inspiring CAD technicians and surveyors. Secondly, we want to involve more video into our social channels. We feel like we want to show clients and our following what we can do, and we think video is the best route to do so. Not only do we want to show you more videos, but we also want to share our experiences with virtual reality as well. We are constantly playing around and using it every day, but this isn’t something our audience sees, so showing you all more VR is an aim. We have also decided that we are going to create our monthly e-newsletter into a visual aspect on our website – monthly magazine. This means keeping up to date with the company, vacancies, things happening in Liverpool and more. Recently we have been able to get more social with our media platforms, but we are not stopping here. We want to increase our social platforms and post more; blog posts, more creative content and even potentially collaborate.
These are our five main goals and along the year of 2019 I am sure we will pick up a few more and add them onto our list. We are so excited to see what 2019 brings.
You can also find us on our social channels…
Linked In – Formby Surveys
Instagram – @formbysurveys
Twitter – @FormbySurveys
Facebook – Formby Surveys