Forming partnerships
Formby Surveys and Geoterra were appointed by the main contractor to undertake a topographical survey, a sub-surface laser scan and a multi-beam sonar survey to identify the precise location of a culvert structure running under a development site at Chester Road, Manchester.
The culvert was accessed from the surface via 2 manholes and we used an inverted 3D laser scanner to scan the access chambers and the culvert below. We provided the client with geo-referenced 3D point cloud data and Navisworks RCS files of the manholes and connecting culvert, combining the laser scan and multi-beam sonar data for further interpretation and analysis, together with an updated topographical survey plan, to allow the design team to plan their detailed design of the future building works.
Read more about all the services involved in this project : Sub-Surface Laser Scanning, Topographical Survey.
Client: Renaker
Location: Chester Road, Manchester
Service: Sub-Surface Laser Scanning